GSI Mid-Atlantic, Inc. was contracted to mix and inject Regenesis’s RegenOx PetroCleanze at a commercial warehouse LUST site in Northern Virginia. Regenesis describes RegenOx PetroCleanze as, “a customized formulation of the widely used RegenOx in situ chemical oxidation technology whose primary function is to increase the desorption rates of hydrocarbons bound in saturated soil and make them available for more efficient and rapid treatment.”
Injections were performed in a series of three one day events spread approximately a month apart. During each injection event approximately 100 gallons of chemical was mixed and injected through each of four Geoprobe borings, spaced around a central monitoring well. The consultant followed each event with a vacuum fluid recovery event from the monitoring well to recover any product mobilized from the soil as a result of the PetroCleanze injections.
If deemed successful to remove contaminant mass, additional events or a larger scale chemox injection may follow.