GSI Mid-Atlantic, Inc. was contracted to mix and inject Regenesis’s RegenOx PetroCleanze at a commercial warehouse LUST site in Northern Virginia. Regenesis describes RegenOx PetroCleanze as, “a customized formulation of the widely used RegenOx in situ chemical oxidation technology whose primary function is to increase the desorption rates of hydrocarbons bound in saturated soil and make them available for more efficient and rapid treatment.”
Injections were performed in a series of three one day events spread approximately a month apart. During each injection event approximately 100 gallons of chemical was mixed and injected through each of four Geoprobe borings, spaced around a central monitoring well. The consultant followed each event with a vacuum fluid recovery event from the monitoring well to recover any product mobilized from the soil as a result of the PetroCleanze injections.
If deemed successful to remove contaminant mass, additional events or a larger scale chemox injection may follow.

Posted by Dustin Dohm on October 24, 2014 at 3:41 pm in GSI News. Tagged as: Direct Push, Geoprobe Injection, Geoprobe Virginia.
September found GSI Mid-Atlantic, Inc. completing work on two different landfill sites in Maryland.
On the first site, GSI was contracted to complete continuous soil borings at an inactive landfill site in Anne Arundel County. Using the Geoprobe dual tube 22 system and one of our Geoprobe 7822 machines, GSI successfully completed 13 soil borings ranging in depths from 55’ below ground surface to 75’ below ground surface. The purpose of the borings were for logging and identifying specific zones and geologic layers in the subsurface. During boring advancement, GSI successfully collected groundwater samples from multiple water bearing zones as identified by the on-site geologist. Below is a photo of soil cores from a 75’ boring. All borings were pressure grouted upon completion.

GSI was also contracted to install landfill gas monitoring wells along the perimeter of 2 landfills in Howard County. In a single day, GSI installed 3 landfill gas monitoring wells ranging from 20 to 35 feet below ground surface. Wells were installed using the Geoprobe dual-tube 32 system. This system creates a 3.5” borehole while continuously sampling the soil. Half-inch PVC well-screen and riser were installed though the casing. As seen below, the gravel pack was placed through the casing as the casing was removed. Each landfill gas monitoring well was completed with steel stick-up protection.

Posted by Dustin Dohm on September 24, 2014 at 3:01 pm in GSI News. Tagged as: Direct Push, Geoprobe Maryland, Landfill Gas Monitoring Wells, Landfill Monitoring, Maryland, Soil Borings, Soil Gas, Vapor Intrusion.
Recent job site with nice views of National Harbor!

Posted by Dustin Dohm on July 3, 2014 at 8:00 pm in GSI News. Tagged as: Direct Push, Geoprobe Delaware, Geoprobe Maryland, Geoprobe Virginia, Geoprobe Washington DC.
The entire GSI Mid-Atlantic, Inc. crew attended the Geoprobe Open House on April 23 and 24, 2104 for factory training and demos on new equipment and tooling.

Posted by Dustin Dohm on June 18, 2014 at 5:38 pm in GSI News.
GSI Mid-Atlantic has launched a new website. This site was a collaborative effort between GSI Mid-Atlantic of Bel Air, MD, and Kryptronic Software and StylinStrings Media of York, PA.
Continue reading “GSI Mid-Atlantic Launches New Website” »
Posted by Dustin Dohm on June 13, 2014 at 2:53 pm in GSI News. Tagged as: News.