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GSI Mid-Atlantic

Tagged: Maryland

Ali Berenbrok-Niblett passes Maryland Well Drillers Exam

Congratulations to Alexander “Ali” Berenbrok-Niblett for passing the Maryland Well Drillers Exam.

GSI Mid-Atlantic, Inc. works on Landfill Sites in September

September found GSI Mid-Atlantic, Inc. completing work on two different landfill sites in Maryland.

On the first site, GSI was contracted to complete continuous soil borings at an inactive landfill site in Anne Arundel County.  Using the Geoprobe dual tube 22 system and one of our Geoprobe 7822 machines, GSI successfully completed 13 soil borings ranging in depths from 55’ below ground surface to 75’ below ground surface.  The purpose of the borings were for logging and identifying specific zones and geologic layers in the subsurface.  During boring advancement, GSI successfully collected groundwater samples from multiple water bearing zones as identified by the on-site geologist.  Below is a photo of soil cores from a 75’ boring.  All borings were pressure grouted upon completion.

landfill soil cores 2

GSI was also contracted to install landfill gas monitoring wells along the perimeter of 2 landfills in Howard County.  In a single day, GSI installed 3 landfill gas monitoring wells ranging from 20 to 35 feet below ground surface.  Wells were installed using the Geoprobe dual-tube 32 system.  This system creates a 3.5” borehole while continuously sampling the soil.  Half-inch PVC well-screen and riser were installed though the casing.  As seen below, the gravel pack was placed through the casing as the casing was removed.  Each landfill gas monitoring well was completed with steel stick-up protection.

landfill tremmie gravellandfill gas monitoring well


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